Audio and Signal Processing, Interpreration and Enhancement

The Audio & Signal Processing, Interpretation and Enhancement (ASPIRE@IDLab) group is the research group headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing Nilesh Madhu at Ghent University. Our goal is the robust capture, enhancement, and analysis of signals, for information extraction in a wide variety of applications.


We have three main research pillars:

  • Audio and speech processing where we have state-of-the-art solutions for
    • localising and segregating sources for telecommunications and smart-home applications; and
    • optimal audio reproduction in extended/virtual reality
  • Signal processing for biomedical applications, with ongoing research into
    • nanopore analysis for sequencing
    • neural signal compression and transmission
  • Representation learning, focussing on optimal extraction and encoding of relevant information in latent spaces. This is a fundamental topic, with wide ranging applications such as scene analysis, emotion and stress recognition, ...


The underlying philosophy in our approaches is the appropriate embedding of domain-specific knowledge within deep-learning frameworks. This can better leverage the available data, while allowing the networks to generalise well to unseen conditions in real-life situations.

Demos and more details of our work are available at

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