Renergetic: Community-empowered Sustainable Multi-Vector Energy Islands
End date: 2024
Starting the Sustainable 6G SNS Initiative for Europe
End date: 2024
STEAM Education for Autistic Children
End date: 2024
Smartnets, Advanced simulation, analysis and interpretation of network structures in biological dataapplications
End date: 2024
Integrating 5G enabling technologies in a holistic service to physical layer 5G system platform
End date: 2024
Scientific Large-scale Infrastructure for Computing/Communication Experimental Studies – Starting Community
End date: 2024
SignON, Sign Language Translation Mobile Application and Open Communications Framework
End date: 2023
5G Blueprint
Next generation connectivity for enhanced, safe & efficient transport & logistics
End date: 2023
Big Data for Next Generation Energy
End date: 2023
Micro assembled Terabit/s capable optical transceivers for Datacom applications
End date: 2023
Dynamic coverage Extension and Distributed Intelligence for human Centric applications with assured security, privacy and trust: from 5G to 6G
End date: 2023
ESF DroneXperience
Futureproof DroneXperience
End date: 2023
Smart Human Oriented Platform for Connected Factories
End date: 2023
Building Information aGGregation, harmonization and analytics platform
End date: 2023
Boosting DR through increased communIty-level consumer engaGement by combining Data-driven and blockcHain technology Tools with social science approaches and multi-value service design
End date: 2023
Metrograph (Graphene)
Long hauls DWDM transmission system
End date: 2023
Neuro-augmented 112Gbaud CMOS plasmonic transceiver platform for Intra- and Inter-DCI applications
End date: 2023
REStartSMEs COSME call
Strategic Alliances for economy recovery through technology convergence in manufacturing SMEs
End date: 2023
Collaborative, Secure and Replicable Open Source 'Data Lakes' for Cities
End date: 2023
Interoperable Solutions Connecting Smart Homes, Buildings and Grids
End date: 2023
Toward a Digital Twin ECS and thermal management architecture models: Improvement of MODELICA libraries and usage of Deep Learning technics
End date: 2023
ATTO: A new concept for ultra-high capacity wireless networks
End date: 2023
ELE 2 – European Language Equality 2
End date: 2023
ESA met iDirect
Artes: Learning in the forward
End date: 2023
CoPackaging of Terabit direct-detection and coherent Optical Engines and switching circuits in mulTI-Chip moduleS for Datacenter networks and the 5G optical fronthaul
End date: 2022
Energy- and Size-efficient Ultra-fast Plasmonic Circuits for Neuromorphic Computing Architectures
End date: 2022
FEAST, ERC-2020-PoC, Fair Effective, and Sustainable Talent Management using Conditional Networking Embedding
End date: 2022
AI4EU Stamp
AI4EU Stamp: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Metadata in Pictures
End date: 2021
Bit-interleaved sigma-delta modulation over fiber —BI-SDMoF
End date: 2021
Smart Tooling
Smart Tooling
End date: 2020
HBP, SGA2, Human Brain Project 2
End date: 2020
Forsied, Formalising subjective interestingness in Expolatory Data Mining
End date: 2019


SAMBAS - Sustainable and Adaptive Ultra-High Capacity Micro Base Stations
End date: 2024
Strada: Sensorgestuurde Tripod voor het Registreren van Atleet Data
End date: 2024
ICON OptiRoutS, HBC.2022.0096
ICON OptiRoutS: Optimale Routering Service
End date: 2024
IoBaLeT: Sustainable Internet of Battery-Less Things
End date: 2024
MOZAIK: Scalable and Secure Data Sharing
End date: 2024
FWO.SBO.2020.0010.01 – S003921N – End-to-end comm, VeriEnd: Verifiable and elastic end-to-end communication infrastructures for private professional environments
End date: 2024
ICON AI4Foodlogistics
ICON AI4Foodlogistics, AI voor voedsellogistiek
End date: 2024
ICON FM ValArch5g
ICON FM ValArch5G,Validated Architectures using private 5G for teleoperation, collaborative operation for drones/AGVs
End date: 2024
Vlaams Sensor Data Space
End date: 2024
ICON 5Geco
ICON 5Geco, 5G intelligente radio en transport Edge netwerk Kruis-Optimalisatie
End date: 2024
ICON Wish, Welzijnsverbeterende monitoring oplossingen voor kippen
End date: 2024
5G intelligent radio and transport Edge network Cross-Optimization
End date: 2024
Welfare Improving monitoring Solutions for cHickens
End date: 2024
phd Dwight Van Lancker
phd Dwight Van Lancker
End date: 2024
ICON Veloce
ICON Veloce, Verifieerbare en snelle audio communicatie
End date: 2024
Verifiable, Low-latency audio Communication
End date: 2024
ICON Chai, Chemie & Hybride AI
End date: 2024
ICON Interact
ICON Interact, Interactieve Training in Virtuele Realiteit met Meerdere Gebruikers
End date: 2024
Individual Capturing of Thermal Risks
End date: 2024
ADAM: Advanced Data-Aided Medicine
End date: 2023
Developing Applied Building Photovoltaics for Performance and Reliability,
End date: 2023
ICON 5GBroadcast
ICON 5G Broadcast, Efficiënte software gedefinieerde adaptieve streaming gebruikmakende van 5G terrestrische uitzending in combinatie met bestaande breedband streaming
End date: 2023
ICON BLE2AV, Bidirectionele, verbeterde BLE audio- en spraaksystemen met lokalisatiemogelijkheden.
End date: 2023
ICON BoB, BIM op de Bouwwerf
End date: 2023
Mellon 2020 Ruben Verborgh
Scholarly Communications Using the Decentralized Web
End date: 2023
UCI - Race Incident Database Extras (RIDE)
End date: 2023
Smart Port 2025
Verbeteren en versnellen van de operationele efficiëntie in een haven ecosysteem door toepassing van intelligente technologieën
End date: 2023
FM ICON ACMON: Statusmonitoring met behulp van akoestische eigenschappen (ACMON). Robust acoustic monitoring in industrial environments
End date: 2023
Offshore Predictable Accessibility by Learning from data and experts (OPAL),
End date: 2023
Better Than Wired
End date: 2023
DITUR: (Digital Twins for Upscaled Retrofit,
End date: 2023
ICON Live G,
ICON Live G, Video over 5G met lage vertraging
End date: 2023
IOF Open Wifi
Open Wifi
End date: 2023
PACE: realtime monitoring of energetic balance during exercise
End date: 2022
ICON MM-Wave, 60 GHz Fixed Wireless Access voor residentiële gebruikers,
End date: 2022
ICON Smart Diapers
ICON Smart Diapers, Smart diapers which can generate alerts when changing is required.
End date: 2022
ICON Protego
ICON Protego, Gepersonaliseerde alarmering en contextuele alarm afhandeling via bewaking van de levenswijze, VLAIO: HBC.2019.2812
End date: 2022
ICON AIDA, AI-Gedreven e-Assessment,
End date: 2022
FAME (FAce MEtadata): operationalisering van metadata-gedreven gezichtsherkenning in de registratiepraktijk
End date: 2022
MOoiZO!? Een digitaal platform ter ondersteuning van de mondgezondheid van de orthodontische patiënt
End date: 2022
ICON SmartWaterWay
ICON SmartWaterWay, SmartWaterway will make autonomous pallet shuttle barges economically viable for urban logistics by combining low-cost onboard sensors with onshore sensors at critical locations (i.e. bridges, locks & bays). VLAIO: HBC.2019.0058
End date: 2022
ICON Hoofmate
ICON Hoof-MATE, Hoef gebaseerde multifunctionele activiteitstracker voor paarden
End date: 2021
FLEX, Control algorithms for flexibility in power-to-X and industrial processes
End date: 2021
ICON Daiquiri
ICON Daiquiri, Data & Artificiële Intelligentie voor Gekwantificeerde Sportverslaggeving
End date: 2021
ICON DynAMo, Dynamic Architecture Monitoring, Regaining control over complex service architectures interacting with third party solutions
End date: 2021
ICON Rhetoric
ICON Rhetoric, Redactionele tools voor het reduceren van haat in online reacties en commentaar
End date: 2021
ICON SmartWaterGrid
ICON SmartWaterGrid, SmartWaterGrid will research and design a smart system that substantiates, facilitates and automates leak localisation up to street level in soft real-time.
End date: 2021
OCAS phd Michiel Larmuseau
Machine learning in metal research
End date: 2021
ICON COSMO, Cognitieve ondersteuning bij assemblage
End date: 2021
VITO phd Ershad Rasi
Risk-aware quantification and aggregation techniques for optimal valorization of energy flexibility
End date: 2021
ICON SenceCity
ICON SenceCity, SenseCity will investigate machine learning techniques to automate part of the monitoring and interpretation of audio-visual streams to support human operators to prevent, identify, and react to emergency situations.
End date: 2021
ICON Bluess
ICON Bluess, Autonoom beheerde Bluetooth mesh netwerken voor de volgende generatie duurzame monitoring
End date: 2021
ICON Smart Suitcases
ICON Smart Suitcases, Smart suitcases with integrated sensing, geolocalization and identification functionalities.
End date: 2021
ICON cREATIVE, Herconfigureerbare Ingebedde Artificiële Intelligentie
End date: 2021
Intelligent Dense And Longe Range IoT networks (IDEAL-IoT),
End date: 2021
End date: 2021
IoS, Logistieke IoT binnen de scheepsvaart
End date: 2020
Smart Motions Systems
Smart Motions Systems
End date: 2020
ICON Illuminate
ICON Illuminate Biss, Interactieve streaming en representatie voor hoog immersieve applicaties
End date: 2020
ICON Radiance
ICON Radiance: Real-time and Context-aware Anomaly Detection for Connected Devices HBC.2017.0629
End date: 2020
ICON Essence
ICON Essence, Verhalen verbinden de slimme stad
End date: 2020
ICON InWareDrone
ICON InWareDrone, Voorraadbeheer in magazijnen met behulp van drones
End date: 2020
FAST-EGOV, Fast tracking e-Government deployment door geautomatiseerde Customer Journey ontwikkeling
End date: 2020
ICON SmartGLAZ: head-mounted display for bicycle helmets
End date: 2020
MEPIC: Model Extraction to enable first time right Photonic Integrated Circuit design
End date: 2020
ICON FM Moda: Model Based Data Analytics
End date: 2019


DEFRA Stats: Sensing & Testing Analytics Toolbox for Soldiers to predict fatigue and reduce injuries, infections and attrition rate – STATS
End date: 2024
BOF 2-4 2020 Peter Lambert
Computer vision and intelligent mowing patterns to automate biodiversity management in grasslands
End date: 2024
BOF 2-4 Filip De Turck
The development and validation of a Context Aware Personalisation System (CAPS) for promoting physical activity in adults
End date: 2024
BOF stg Erik Laermans
Data-efficiënt machinaal leren voor ingenieurstoepassingen
End date: 2024
BioGraph, Accurate analyse van genetische interacties met behulp van gegenereerde random graafmodellen
End date: 2024
BOF 2-4 2019 Kathleen Marchal
Forwarding precision oncology by integrating cohort-derived molecular and clinical information
End date: 2024
Hercules 2018 Peter Lambert
Interaction Lab: Research Facility for Interaction Science.
End date: 2024
FWO 2020 Kathleen Marchal
Hoge resolutie netwerken om het effect van netwerkherstructuring in kanker te bestuderen
End date: 2023
FWO 2020 Nilesh Madhy
Robuuste spraakverbetering met ad-hoc gedistribueerde microfoonroosters door integratie van audio- en spraak-specifieke signaalmodellen in "deep-learning" algoritmes
End date: 2023
FWO 2020 Tijl De Bie
Conditionele inbedding van kennisnetwerken,
End date: 2023
FWO 2020 Xin Yin
Optische I/O voor de hoog-performante computers van de toekomst
End date: 2023
HEROI2C: Hybride machinaal leren voor verbeterde infectiemanagement bij ernstig zieke patiënten
End date: 2023
BOF STG Niliesh Madhu
Hybrid Solutions for the one-microphone speech enhancement problem
End date: 2023
BOF stg Jo Verhaevert
Design Strategy for a Multiprotocol and Multiband Communication System
End date: 2023
AIDE deel 1
AIDE project: Federated Learning for Robust, Resilient and Adaptive Protection of Systems
End date: 2023
BOF stg Guy Torfs
Efficient reception and aplification of sigma-delta modulated radio signals over fiber
End date: 2023
Delicios: Een geïntegreerde studie naar het delegeren van beslissingen aan autonome agenten in situaties met belangenverstrengeling.
End date: 2022
FWO 2019 Hendrik Rogier
Geavanceerde multiantennecommunicatie in het stralende nabije veld door hybride focussering en ruimtelijk multiplexen.
End date: 2022
FWO 2019 Jeroen Hoebeke
Ctrl-APP: An application control plane enabling appdaptive configurations of wireless networks and their verification
End date: 2022
FWO 2019 Tom Dhaene
Modal parameter identification for time-varying dynamic systems, Generatief ontwerp van lineaire passieve elektronische systemen
End date: 2022
FWO 2019-2 Tom Dhaene
Het leren van complexe patronen met Gaussische processen
End date: 2022
ORINoCO: Optische ontvangers in standaard CMOS
End date: 2022
BOF GOA 2016 Ingrid Moerman
Disposable and biodegradable wireless networks for extreme conditions
End date: 2022
BOF STG Tony Belpaeme
Generative deep learning for contingent behaviour production on social robots
End date: 2022
BeSocial BeSocial
End date: 2022
End date: 2022
FWO 2018 Joni Dambre
Hyperdimensionale schaalbare sensoren: de weg naar voortdurend contextbewustzijn in electronische toestellen ? (Hyperscales)
End date: 2021
FWO 2018 Kathleen Marchal
Het belang van epistase en netwerk-rewiring in het bepalen van het adaptief gedrag van bacterien onderworpen aan antibiotica-gradienten
End date: 2021
FWO 2021 Kristof Cools
Geavanceerde wiskundige en numerieke analyse van verharding van staal via inductieverhitting
End date: 2021
GOA 2016 Hendrik Rogier
Disposable and biodegradable wireless networks for extreme conditions
End date: 2021
MUSE-WINET, MUlti-SErvice WIreless NETwork
End date: 2021
PRETREF, Prediction of Turbulent Reactive flows by Means of Numerical Simulations
End date: 2021
BOF 2-4 2016 Mario Pickavet
Modelling uncertainty in hub location planning through interdisciplinary research
End date: 2021
BOF24J2016001101, Comprehensive Integration of Linguistic Features in a human Inspired Speech Recognition Architecture
End date: 2021
End date: 2020
FWO 2017 Ingrid Moerman -G084117N
Verwerking van visuele sensor data in low-power wide area netwerken
End date: 2020
FWO 2017 Tijl de Bie
FWO.OPR.2017.0067.01, Datamining zonder lekken: meer dan alleen privacy beschermen
End date: 2020
FWO 20217 Dries Vande Ginste
Geavanceerde MIMO kanaalmodelering and signaalverwerking voor hoge-snelheid chip-naar-chip interconnectiestructuren onderhevig aan productietoleranties
End date: 2020
BOF stg Pieter Simoens
Adaptation of task execution strategies by networked semi-autonomous systems operating in dynamic and uncertain environments
End date: 2020
COVered: Testing & optimising a mobile app in Belgium for the prevention and management of COVID-19 infections
End date: 2020
BOF uitr. 2018 Johan Bauwelinck
Real-time oscilloscope
End date: 2020
Hercules 2016 Piet Demeester
A Future Software Defined Internet Core and advanced Cloud Research Infrastructure
End date: 2020
Hercules 2014 Johan Bauwelinck
60 GHz Arbitrary waveform generator and oscilloscope
End date: 2020
FWO 2016 Hendrik Rogier
Signaal, circuit en antenne co-ontwerp van stabiele ultra-breedband draadloze systemen voor het Internet of Things
End date: 2019
FWO 2016 Tom Dhaene
Unificatie van ijle modellering met foutencontrole
End date: 2019
FWO postdoc Jefrey Lijffijt
Personalised, interactive, and visual exploratory mining of patterns in complex data
End date: 2019
GOA 2014 Johan Bauwelinck
Flexible electro-photonic integration platform
End date: 2019


Global Minds 2023 Tony Belpaeme
Global Minds project, part of 'Higher Education & Science For Sustainable Development' (HES4SD)
End date: 2024
Detecteren van manipulatie in afbeeldingen en video's
End date: 2024
VKC-enriched, Data disclosure and enrichtment in Fine Arts Museums
End date: 2023
Istem 2
Istem 2
End date: 2023
Computationeel denken
Computationeel denken concreet in de klas
End date: 2023
Collectie van de Gentenaar
Collectie van de Gentenaar
End date: 2023
Collectie vd Gentenaar 2022
Collectie vd Gentenaar
End date: 2023
Subcontract Hannecard-Controll
Subcontract Hannecard-Controll
End date: 2023
COURSE, Computation of UCI Race Safety Enrichments
End date: 2022
FWO 2020 Ruben Verborgh
Modulaire query-evaluatiesoftware voor gedecentralizeerde bevraging van persoonlijke Linked Data
End date: 2022
Istem 1
Istem 1
End date: 2022
Burgerpraat - communicatieve vaardigheden voor mens en machine
End date: 2022
AZG 2021 Sofie Van Hoecke
Statistische dienstverlening AZG: mining spatiotemporal similarities in the evolution of the Flemish COVID-19 data
End date: 2021
InnoVet 2021
InnoVet 2021
End date: 2021
Ontwikkeling en implementatie van een Belgische platform voor generatie en gebruik van 'whole genome sequencing' (wgs) data voor uitbraakonderzoek, met de voor de mens pathogene Shiga-toxine producerende Esherichia coli (STEC) als case study
End date: 2021
J&J bilateraal
Geel Challenge: Artificial Intelligence assistence maintenance strategy for fixed and mobile assets
End date: 2021
Flore de Gand 3
Flore de Gand 3
End date: 2021
BasX, Sporten en bewegen in de publieke ruimte
End date: 2021
Traffic Management as a Service (TMAAS)
End date: 2021
Inclusie in 4D
Inclusie in 4D
End date: 2020
InnoVet 2020
InnoVet (iSTEM organisatie): Leraren arbeidsmarktgerichte opleidingen professionaliseren via technologische innovatie
End date: 2020
Flore De Gand 2
Flore De Gand 2
End date: 2020
Museum in de Living
Museum in de Living
End date: 2020


BOF phd Matthijs Biondina
Advanced Reasoning with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks
End date: 2024
BOF phd Tim Pattyn
Geavanceerde differentiële oppervlakte-admittantie-operatoren voor het modelleren van interconnectiestructuren op printplaten, interposers en chips
End date: 2024
FWO phd Alexander Bohlender
Alexander Bohlender, Enabling Effortless Communication Under Adverse Conditions by Exploitation of Direction-of-Arrival Estimates and Other A-Priori Knowledge in Joint Acoustic Source Separation and Dereverberation - Faciliteren van communicatie onder ongunstige omstandigheden door de exploitatie van geschatte directions-of-arrival en andere a-priori kennis voor de gezamenlijke scheiding van akoestische bronnen en dereverberatie (Madhi Nilesh)
End date: 2024
FWO phd Emille Vanderstraeten
Op eindige-differenties in het tijdsdomein gebaseerde modelleringsaloritmes voor transitiemetaal-dichalcogeniden (TMDCs) in nanoelektronische, spintronische, and valleitronische componenten - Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) Modelling Algorithms for Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDCs) in Nanoelectronic, Spintronic and Valleytronic Devices (Dries Vande Ginste, Hendrik Rogier)
End date: 2024
FWO phd Jakob Declercq
DSP-Lite 100 Gbaud Analog Optical Coherent Receivers for Data Center Short-Reach Links
End date: 2024
FWO phd spb Emiel Deprost
Hybrid machine learning with BIM for energy optimization and dweller well-being in smart buildings - FWO: Hybride machine learning met BIM voor energieoptimalisatie en welzijn van de bewoners in slimme gebouwen (Sofie Van Hoecke, Steven Verstockt)
End date: 2024
FWO phd spb Julie Artois
FWO beurs Julie Artois, Advanced Reasoning with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks (Francis wyffels, Tony Belpaeme)
End date: 2024
FWO phd spb Mathieu De Coster
Using artificial intelligence to facilitate communication between deaf and hearing people
End date: 2024
FWO phd spb Michael Weyns
Phd Michael Weyns, Enhancing data analytics for IoT by enabling semantic enrichment of machine learning tasks - Verbetering van data analyse voor IoT door semantische verrijking van machine learning taken mogelijk te maken (Filip De Turck, Femke Ongenae)
End date: 2024
FWO phd spb Victor-Luis De Gusseme
Learning Robotic Manipulation of Challenging Objects through Differentiable Physics
End date: 2024
KUL phd Simon Isphording
KUL phd Simon Isphording
End date: 2024
Vito phd Elias Crum
Query Execution over Personal Genomics
End date: 2024
BOF phd Dylan Van Assche
Dividing costs of knowledge graph’s production and consumption among data producers and consumers through decentralization'
End date: 2024
FWO phd Pietro Mazzaglia
FWO Pietro Mazzaglia, Deep Temporal Models for Perception and Control
End date: 2024
Baekelandmandaat Pieter-Paul Strybol Galapagos
Network-based data-analytics to support pathway-based target discovery in fibrosis-related diseases
End date: 2024
BOF phd Maarten Buyl
Maarten Buyl BOF DOC, A Network embedding approach to a fair, efficient and fulfililng job market
End date: 2023
BOF phd Thybault Blyau
Explainable, human-in-the-loop hybrid AI, resolving conflicting user feedback and in a federated learning setting
End date: 2023
FWO phd Jeroen Werbrouck
conSolid: a web-based ecosystem for managing the building life cycle
End date: 2023
FWO phd spb Achim Vandierendonck
Multi-Loop and Subsampling Phase Detector Architectures for 128 GBd PAM4 Clock and Data Recovery
End date: 2023
FWO phd spb Andries Wolfert
Productie van adaptief gedrag in sociale robots door middel van Deep Learning
End date: 2023
FWO phd spb Elsas Robbe
SDR-Based Industrial IoT: Towards Ubiquitous Wireless Connectivity
End date: 2023
FWO phd spb Louise De Schaetz van Brienen
A data-driven integrative framework for the identification of cancer driver pathways and their mode of action
End date: 2023
FWO phd spb Maxim Bonnaerens
Van meer naar minder: het beste uit deep learning halen voor apparaten met beperkte rekenkracht
End date: 2023
FWO phd spb Tamir Mazaev
Machinaal leren versterkt met fysische kennis en domeinadaptie voor predictief onderhoud.
End date: 2023
FWO phd spb TinusPannier
Hoge snelheid optische zenders gebaseerd op microgeassembleerde lopende golf equalizers
End date: 2023
Baekeland Veronique Clauwaert
Baekelandtbeurs: Veronique Clauwaert: Nieuwe classificatie en beeldherkenning van naevi naar melanoomrisico toe op basis van dermoscopie, gerichte microscopie en clinico-epidemiologische data
End date: 2023
FWO postdoc Jeroen Van der Hooft
Efficiënt vastleggen, coderen en streamen voor immersieve toepassingen
End date: 2023
FWO postdoc Ruben Taelman
Querying Decentralized Knowledge Graphs through Guided Link-Traversal, postdoc Ruben Taelman
End date: 2023
FWOpostdoc Pieter Bonte
Cascading Reasoning: an Efficient and Scalable Solution for Decision Making on Heterogeneous Data Streams
End date: 2023
Baekeland phd Maarten De Raedt
Paraphrasing tools: Controllable and style-aware paraphrsing tools for data-efficient construction of converssational agents
End date: 2023
Baekeland phd Peter De Roovere
Improving Industrial Robotic Vision by Utilizing Embodiment and Multi-modal Inputs
End date: 2023
Baekelandmandaat Davi Alberto Sala
Development of deep learning approaches for classification and regression of multivariate time series applied to an industrial context
End date: 2023
BOF postdoc Aza Jalalvand
Protecting future fusion power plants - Development of efficiënt and real-time plasma disruption predictors for ITER by combining advanced data-driven models with physics insights
End date: 2022
FWO SPB Ozan Catal
Multi modale sensor fusie voor toestandsestimatie, Ozan Catal
End date: 2022
FWO phd spb Bram Steenwinckel
Adaptief verbeterende anomalie detectei en oorzaak analyse door middel van semantiek en machinaal leren
End date: 2022
FWO phd spb Cedric Bruynsteen
Ontwerp van een geïntegreerde gebalanceerde ontvangern voor continu variabele kwantum sleutel distributie stystememn
End date: 2022
FWO phd spb Jaron Fontaine
Denk klein: heroverwegen van de nood aan big data in draadloze netwerken
End date: 2022
FWO phd spb Martijn Courteauw
Efficiënte en hoog-kwalitatieve compressie voor camera-gebassere VR met 6 vrijheidsgraden
End date: 2022
HEC phd Dilawar Ali
HEC phd Dilawar Ali
End date: 2022
BOF phd Karel D'Oosterlinck
BOF phdKarel D'Oosterlinck
End date: 2022
FWO phd spb Borre van Lombergen
High bitrate burst-mode electronic dispersion compensation/equalization circuitry for converged optical access networks - Hogesnelheids intermitterende elektronische chromatische dispersie compensatie of equalisatie chip voor geconvergeerde optische toegangsnetwerken) (Xin Yin, Peter Ossieur)
End date: 2022
BOF phd Dries Bosman
A multiphysics and multiscal quantum-mechanics/electromagnetics (QM/EM) modeling framework for nanodevices
End date: 2022
FWO phd Aranka Steyaert
Probalistisch grafische modellen voor een accurate identificatie voor sequentiëringfouten
End date: 2022
FWO phd Maarten Larmuseau
Integratie van systeemgenetische data in kanker voor de identificatie van causale mutaties en hun modus operandi
End date: 2022
FWO postdoc Glen Van Wallendael
VisionXR: Modelleren van menselijke waarneming en kinematica tijdens beweging
End date: 2022
FWO postdoc Maria Torres Vega
Context-Aware Millimeter Wave Network for Interactive Virtual and Augmented Reality
End date: 2022
Baekeland phd Frederik Bode
Multitask Few-Shot Document Intelligence through Representation Learning – Few-Shot
End date: 2022
FWO phd spb Andreas Verlysen
Robotmanipulatie van vervormbare objecten voor automatisatie in de textielindustrie met behulp van deep reinforcement learning
End date: 2021
FWO phd spb Hannes Mareen
Het watermerken van videa - een aanpak via gepersonaliseerd streamen
End date: 2021
BOF phd Jonas Van der donckt
Towards precision health by enabling multimodal monitoring in real-life settings using uncertainty based hierarchical and time-dynamic models
End date: 2021
BOF phd Olivier Pieters
Plants as intelligent sensors for precision agriculture
End date: 2021
BOF postdoc Sam Lemey
Design and implementation of photonic-enabled large-scale active antenna systems for fifth-generation wireless communication systems and beyond
End date: 2021
Baekeland phd Zimcke Van de Staey
AI Buddy for programming - Our Dwengo AI Buddy gives you feedback to write better code
End date: 2021
FWO berus Len Van de Veire
Van de Veire Len, Run-time adaptive hierarchical neural architectures for representation learning in modular sensor networks
End date: 2021
FWO phd Len Van de Veire
Run-time adaptive hierarchical neural architectures for representation learning in modular sensor networks"
End date: 2021
FWO phd Maria Torres Vega
Virtuele Realiteit voor het Tactiele Internet, Postdoc Marie Torres Vega
End date: 2021
FWO3E02015006101, postdoc Ruben Verborgh, Schaalbare, gefedereerde bevraging van heterogene webinterfaces voor gelinkte data
End date: 2021
Baekeland phd Rembert Daens
Learning Fruit Picking with an Autonomous Robot
End date: 2021
FWO phd spb Gilles Vandewiele
A comprehensible and performant Decision Support System for longitudinal big data
End date: 2020
BOF phd Laurens Breyne
High Baud rate opticla signal generation through electro-optic co-design of integrated drivers circuits and segmented modulators
End date: 2020
FWO phd Michiel Verplaetse
High-frequency electronics for broadband wireless communications
End date: 2020
BOF phd Iryna Korshunova
Sign language translation using deep learning,
End date: 2020
FWO phd spb Helen Harman
Context-aware task execution of mobile robots in collaborative smart environments
End date: 2020
IMEC phd Srinivas Prashanth Nagarajan
IMEC phd Srinivas Prashanth Nagarajan
End date: 2020
BOF phd Pieter Stroobant
Oplossing voor problemen uit de telecommunicatie en logistiek die gemodelleerd worden aan de hand van complexe gewongen grafen
End date: 2020
FWO phd spb Michiel Gossye
Geavanceerde Calderon-preconditionering voor de modellering van realistische gedrukte schakelingen, chipverpakkingen en antennesystemen
End date: 2019
Baekeland phd Jarich Braeckveld
Een datadriven methodiek naar acurate en effiënte fietspositionering door datamining van Bioracer Motion Data
End date: 2019
FWO postdoc Sam Agneessens
Design and implementation of flexible integrated microwave Systems-on-Package for fifth-generation wireless systems
End date: 2019
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